Uniting Pride of Champaign County
6/1/2021 5:26:28 PM
Organization name: Uniting Pride of Champaign County
Project description: Uniting Pride exists to create a Champaign County where all who identify as sexual and/or gender minorities can live full, healthy, and vibrant lives. To achieve this mission, Uniting Pride is committed to LGBTQ+ advocacy, in part, by offering educational trainings in our community. Over the past few years, our organization has offered trainings on LGBTQ+ cultural competency to a wide range of community stakeholders and organizations. These essential trainings have been primarily offered by one board member and one staff member at Uniting Pride - with training requests coming in through word-of-mouth and network relationships. To build a more LGBTQ-affirming community, Uniting Pride is developing a more robust training process and curriculum to better provide educational opportunities on LGBTQ+ topics in Champaign County. As part of this development, the student would assist with this initiative. Roles would include curriculum development, scaffolding and committee development, and assistance with creating educational materials.
Specific skills: Not necessarily, but passion for education and LGBTQ issues would be ideal
Number of students: 1 to 2 students
Amounts of hours/week: 3–4 hours per week
Accepting students: Summer 2021
Preparation: N/A