Community Projects

We CU partners with the Community Learning Lab to create impactful, community-based learning experiences for students.

Project matching

We CU Hub and Spoke Project Matching

The Community Learning Lab (CLL) in the School of Social Work works with more than 200 community organizations in Champaign County to fulfill community needs through student projects. The CLL and We CU partnership expands project matching to students and courses across the entire university to better meet the needs of our community partners. The CLL and We CU work in close partnership to match all community project submissions.

Types of projects

Students can complete a variety of remote and in-person, community-based projects. Projects will require diverse strengths and skillsets and may be matched with service-learning classes and student groups. Examples of past projects are featured below.

Submit your project

Community organizations will continue to work with and hear from the CLL at Visit the Community Learning Lab to learn more about the CLL.

Submit your project

Hope Lives Youth Ranch

Equine-assisted mentoring program specializing in at-risk youth

Students will help find grant opportunities and write proposals to address large infrastructure needs at the ranch. Learn how a non-profit program operates while adding grant writing to your resume. 

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Soul Care Urban Retreat Center

Spiritual wellness and self-care center serving east central Illinois

Research those in the campus and local community who may benefit from Soul Care offerings and assist in the creation and distribution of materials. Build experience in communications, PR, and marketing.

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C-U Safe Routes to School

Pedestrian and bicycle safety education to the local community

Research the features and elements important for a fun and educational traffic garden to teach bicycle and roadway safety and assist in writing a proposal. Your service helps to create a safer Champaign-Urbana.

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City of Urbana

City government office in Urbana, Illinois

Photograph the vibrant neighborhoods, business corridors, and parks of Urbana which will highlight the City's unique offerings. Put your photography and editing skills to use to promote a place you love!

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Uniting Pride of Champaign County

LGBTQ+ equality and wellness advocation in Champaign County

Assist in the development of curriculum and educational training materials on a variety of LGBTQ+ topics in Champaign County to build a more LGBTQ-affirming community.

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McKinley Foundation

Social justice, diversity, and sustainability awareness and leadership

Plant, weed, and harvest fresh produce at the McKinley Giving Garden for the clients of the Garden Hills Food Pantry and others with limited access to healthy food. No experience necessary!

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