McKinley Foundation
6/1/2021 5:26:28 PM
Organization name: McKinley Foundation
Project description: Weeding, harvesting, and planting at the McKinley Giving Garden, a container community garden in the center of campus. We are growing produce for the clients of the Garden Hills Food Pantry and others in the community who have limited access to fresh produce. During this time with so many out of work and food production and distribution slowing for health-safety reasons, our purposes holds greater purpose and urgency. Please bring your own work gloves and a face mask. No gardening experience is necessary. April - October, we will meet in the garden on Monday evenings beginning at 5:30pm. We work until the work is done or until the sun goes down. Whichever comes first. We have space to be appropriately distanced from one another, and we will be taking precautions to avoid the spread of germs. We would love your help. The McKinley Giving Garden is a partnership among many--The McKinley Foundation, McKinley Presbyterian Church, Presby Residence Hall, Faith in Place, the UI Extension...the list keeps growing. And so does our garden!
Specific skills: N/A
Number of students: 4 students
Amounts of hours/week: 1–2 hours per week
Project cause(s): N/A
Accepting students: Summer 2021
Preparation: N/A